Sunday, July 10, 2016

July Just "Hotted Up"

NMS Miata

I'm not really sure what they're doing over there in Jolly Old England with "our" language, but I'm pretty sure I've seen the phrase "hotted up" used to mean "it done got hot". Here in the US, yes, it's very hot. It's been over 100 degrees all week in SC, and right about now I guess I better explain that 100 degrees is in Fahrenheit. Apparently some parts of the world don't want to count all the way to 100 when it's hot, so they use some other scale called Celsius, which amounts to the same thing. Well, other than "hot" starts around 27 or so, and if you experienced 100 Celsius, you'd pretty much be a hot coal sitting in the middle of the world's largest Texas BBQ pit on the 4th of July at noon. In the sun. In the heat. Hot. I mean H.O.T.T. hot.

NMS Fiesta ST

The Formula 1 teams raced in England today at Silverstone, but I don't think they were concerned with 100 degree heat. The race started in the wet and gradually dried out, so the opposite of hot. In yesterday's qualifying it was about 68 degrees. In Summer. July. 68. Fahrenheit. Nice!


So, the South Carolina Region drivers are auto-crossing today on the 10th, and up north we'll be driving with the Tidewater Sports Car Club on the 17th. Then the South Carolina Region will be rally-crossing on the 23rd.

NMS Mustang

And it will be hot.

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