Welcome to our new NMS Blog Game: Guess the Auto Auction Price! I'll give you just a little info on each of these cars and trucks, and ask you to guess what price they went for at auction. This is a quarterly auction on a Naval Base in Norfolk VA, and these autos have been abandoned on the base. There is no guarantee that they run or have all their parts, so let's get started! Enter your best guess on any of these in the comments section below, and in a future blog I'll reveal the prices if you want to see how close you came.
First up, a jacked up 87 Jeep Wrangler. It looked to be in well worn condition, but the seats are filled with all kinds of odds and ends, auto parts and miscellaneous "stuff".
Just the big ol' wheels and tires, big rack on top, and lack of a roof has "fun" written all over this thing! Just the wheels are probably worth something, so my estimate is that someone will buy it.
On the right of this photo, in front of the Jeep is a 93 Subaru Impreza. I didn't look too closely at this one, but it looked to have been sitting outdoors for a good amount of time.
If it runs, then maybe someone will take a chance on it, and get into some four wheel drive goodness.
Probably not me though!
OK, now we're talking here, a 2003 PT Cruiser! You can tell that at least the hood works!
Might have upgraded wheels, and the body seems to be OK.
But seriously, do you know how many used PT Cruisers are out there on car lots today? According to the latest survey, there are exactly "One Giant Boat Load" of these things for sale all over the place. No idea if it will sell.
Clearly we have a little bit of front end damage on this one, which I think is the 2005 Pontiac Grand Prix. Now if it was damaged in the back, and the front engine and drive train were OK, then you'd be in business with a good car...as long as you found another one that was damaged in the front, so that between the two cars you could do some repairs and end up with maybe 1 that was in good shape! Unless there's a couple of hundred dollar bills in the glove box, I don't see this one selling for more than 100 bucks if at all.
Sorry for the sunshine, but this 1998 Ford Mustang was worthy of a photo.
It's a six cylinder, and old enough that I could see the odometer (non electronic) which read 172,000 miles. Other than being 17 years old, it looked to be OK under the hood, wheels and tires OK, so it will probably attract some bidders.
Who wouldn't want a beater Mustang for a couple hundred bucks? Speaking of Mustangs, I've been reading about the Factory Five cars that you can build in your garage. They come with a fiberglass body, and then you just have to add the running gear from a Mustang. Hmmmm.
I noticed some missing piece of cowl around the windshield wipers, but would estimate the wheels alone are worth 200 bucks, so we'll just have to see how this one goes.
Ah, the classic Neon. This one is a 2000 Dodge version, and I can tell you from my experience with owning a 1995 Plymouth Neon, that these were not too bad cars when new. Mine even survived three years driving on the Autobahn in Germany, so honestly, a perfectly OK small car.
No interest from me on this one, but I'll guess someone buys it for maybe a thousand bucks.
Perhaps a more luxurious brand sparks your imagination! If so you are in luck, because the auction has a 2003 Jaguar S Type, which I believe is from the days that Ford owned Jag, and these cars were suddenly a common every day sight in the US.
This one looked to be in good shape, but I don't know the mileage. The engine fluids all seemed OK to me, so I'm thinking this goes for several thousand. The driver's door has a very solid "THUNK" when you close it too, no extra charge!
Maybe you're a truck person, and would like a used 2003 Chevy Avalanche. This one seemed to be in good shape, no apparent body damage, so this might be going for a lot of dollars.
Not in the market for a tow vehicle at NMS at this time, but who knows, someone will likely walk away buying this one.
I didn't look around the 1990 Mercury GRAND Marquis very much, but I'll guarantee you that it has some awesome looking fake wood grain all OVER the dash!
It will be interesting to see if this tank sells at all, but I'm thinking someone will take it for 300.
Better view of the Mustang. Maybe a little bit of the cowl around the wipers was missing, but again, for a 98 Mustang, looked OK. If you want more Mercury Grand Marquis info, check out this recent letter from a listener to the Car Talk radio show:
Grand Marquis on Car Talk LINK
No kidding, this might be the best car in the auction, a 2008 Honda Civic Si. The body and everything under the hood looked to be in good shape, it still had the owner's manual in the glove box, and as an Si it has more horsepower than the base model.
Honda has a great reputation for building dependable cars, and if this car needs any repairs the parts will be easily available.
This will go for thousands is my thought.
Not for sale, but outside the auction lot we spotted this nicely refinished Plymouth Road Runner.
Beep Beep!
We'll be back soon with the results of the auction.