Sunday, March 26, 2017


(Congrats to Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel for winning the first Formula 1 race of the year a few  hours ago in Australia! We now take you back to the heartland of the USA, somewhere in Indianapolis Indiana...)

We'll Take Two!

We're talking about "Get Yer Indy Cars" as in "buy an Indy race car at auction!" The KV Racing IndyCar team has gone out of business, BUT that means that on Monday March 27th that you can bid on their cars, trucks, tools, helmets, office furniture, etc. There are 3 different sets of listings, with tons of gently used and new gear too. Here's the link to Key Auctions of Indianapolis: Key Auctioneers

The average person probably dreams of winning the lottery and buying a house, taking a trip, or paying down the US national debt (I said DREAM), but for some of us, those millions of dollars would be better put to use with a bit of land, some race track paving, maybe a port-o-let, and a bunch of race cars and stuff!

So, what would be on the old NMS wish list? Let's just start with some basics!

How about some cars:

And something to haul them in:

Hey, maybe an extra tow rig too:

And then some cool tool boxes and stuff:

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