Saturday, December 3, 2016

Drive Your Car on Track at Martinsville

NMS at Martinsville

Coming up on Saturday December 10th is your annual chance to drive you car on the NASCAR track at Martinsville Virginia! For a new toy donation, or ten US dollars, you get to drive about 5 laps on the tiny half mile track! Sure, it's not like a 24 hour race, or a 500 mile NASCAR event, or even a competitive track day that you'd pay hundreds of dollars to do, but giving to a kid's toy charity and driving just a little bit is a pretty fun way to spend part of a day too!

Brian and I did this a few years ago with the NMS Miata and had fun, ate a few hot dogs, and had fun just driving through the country to get to Martinsville too! The event will run from 10AM to 2PM, so put it on your calendar now!

Here's the link for more information: Martinsville Toy Drive Info

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