Monday, October 3, 2016

Here's Our Free NMS Packing List!

Did you bring it? I thought YOU brought it?

We've only been auto-crossing for a few years, but a couple of  little items that come in handy (even if you think you don't need them) is a packing checking list, and a final check list before competing. You've probably experienced that feeling when you pack for a trip or just to go to work one day, and you get to your destination and then you find out what you are missing. Not a great feeling is it? One good thing about auto cross drivers is that when you forget something, or something breaks, there's probably going to be someone to help you out, loan you the thing you forgot, or at least make you feel better by laughing at you!

Feel free to print these and use them, add or delete what might not apply to you, or make your own. If you feel inclined to send us any spare car parts, money, or unclaimed lottery tickets, well, that would be OK too!

Is it over there? I thought you said you brought it?

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