Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Autocross Countdown



Here in the frozen north, we're in between snowstorms for the moment, so we've started counting the days to the first autocross of 2021. The NMS-North team (me) will focus on the Metro NY Region Porsche Club of America events, and they'll average about one per month from March to November. Like everything else in life, your mileage may vary, and your  mileage will also be based on COVID conditions. 

Last year we were happy to compete just two times on the autocross trail, so getting to drive a full season in 2021 would be just about the greatest thing since sliced bread. I really don't know why sliced  bread is so great, but I'll guess it's because without sliced bread, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich would be HUGE on two loaves of bread!

Prep wise, we'll need to get the 18 inch OZ wheels back on the car, adjust those tire pressures like Goldilocks (til they're "just right") and then torque the bolts, check the brakes and gas, and get ready to ride. On autocross days, there's a bit more to do, but that's just mostly remembering to bring all the essentials. Sometimes it's the "remembering" part that doesn't go perfectly, and sometimes it's the "essentials" part that needs improvement, so I'm planning to stick with my handy NMS Autocross Packing Checklist, so that I don't forget my helmet, or the head it attaches to. 

Speaking of helmets, my new Zamp helmet is mighty white and plain looking, so it will be good to start getting it dirty and covered with obnoxious stickers. Covering things with obnoxious stickers is kind of what auto sports are all about. The only difference for the professionals is that they are getting paid to put obnoxious stickers on their cars, and the rest of us do it for fun, or to pretend we're professionals. Regardless, each sticker on your car is equal to a gain of 5 horsepower!

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