Thursday, July 25, 2024

NMS-South Appears in Lemons Race Video!

Screen Shot of The Dodgesons from the video

"The Dodgesons" screen shot
Here's the video on YouTube:  LEMONS AT CMP

Brian (AKA NMS-South) and his friends in the Bunch of Idiots racing team were in a recent Lemons race here in South Carolina, and the final video from the official 24 Hours of Lemons folks has hit YouTube.  To see these drivers and hear what they're up to, go to 8:00 minutes into the video and you'll see the hosts talking about the big purple Dodge, themed as "THE DODGESONS", and then the video goes to our friends "THE DIRTSUNS" in their Datsun 510! Just a crazy family reunion at the race you know!

Later, as the video lists the race prize winners, look closely, and you'll see that the footage is from inside the Coronet with NMS-South (Brian) driving! Hey, I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty cool! 

The Bunch of Idiots video screen shot

Besides the Bunch of Idiots, I think this video gives you a great idea of what Lemons racing is all about, which is mostly having fun with cars, and doing crazy stuff at the same time, all while being safe on track. Oh, but it's not ALL on the track, because the race here in South Carolina features a unique Friday Night Block Party in downtown Camden, and there's plenty of scenes from there also (like the photo above.) The video also includes a lot of quick references to the Dodgesons and Dirtsuns "Family" theme, as in from the Fast and Furious films, so that's kind of extra cool too. 

That's NMS-S (Brian) in-car camera for the video trophy section. 

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