Tuesday, January 14, 2025

And Now, a New Semester in Automotive Technician School!

Now you've seen the inside of a torque converter.

This week I started a new semester at York Technical College and their Automotive Technician program. More specifically, I started with Automatic Transmission Overhaul class, and after that will be Auto Diagnosis, and then Advanced Auto Diagnosis and Repair. Like for my last semester, I'd like to thank the state of South Carolina for offering FREE TUITION for Senior Citizens! Also, thanks to my wife Julie for suggesting I get out of the house, I mean, further my education! 

Funny thing about automatic transmission class, is that normally it comes AFTER the manual transmission class, but since I started in January instead of the fall, I've got them out of sequence. Hopefully that doesn't make things too difficult, so I know going in that all my classmates will be fresh off of manual transmission class, and I'm always up for being the slowest guy in the class too!

Internal gaskets

Lucky for me we have some automatic transmission cars at NMS, so just maybe I'll be able to learn some very practical and applicable information, and even get to work on our cars for this class. The instructors decide what we're working on in the shop, so we'll see how this turns out.

PRO TIP: If you're taking an automatic (or manual) transmission out of a car that is up on a lift, and you have the transmission on your transmission jack, STRAP IT DOWN! If you don't, you risk having the transmission fall off of the jack, crashing to the floor, and ruining the transmission case like this one here. This is the view inside the "container of shame" AKA "metal recycling barrel."

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